Made in Harlem: Class of ’68
Fall 2018-Spring 2019
Made in Harlem: Class of '68 unpacks and explores the period before, during, and after the birth of key cultural institutions in Harlem, in the wake of the assassination of MKL on April 4th, 1968. These institutions include the Studio Museum, the National Black Theater, El Museo del Barrio and the Dance Theater of Harlem. The climate in which these institutions were born, carried the weather of Black Power, the Civil Rights Era, and Black Arts Movement -- the impact of which is felt in the early 21st century. Made in Harlem: Class of ’68 explores the impact of the period, and the institutions born from it, that are with us today 50 years later. Programmed by Jessica Green.
Saturday, 12/15 | 7:30PM
Harlem Theatre
Klaus Windenhahn, 97 mins, 1968
Q&A with NLT actors Gary Bolling (The Cool World, The Taking of Pelham 123, Losing Ground) and George Lee Miles (The Warriors, The Education of Sonny Carson).
Saturday, 2/23 | 3:00PM
Black Theater
Woody King, 1978, 114 mins
Q&A with Woody King to follow screening.
Thursday, 2/28 | 6:30PM
Harlem School 1970
Phil Gries, 2018, 50 mins
Q&A with Phil Gries, former student Jimmy Atkins, and filmmaker and educator Dave Davidson.
@ the City College of New York
Thursday, 3/14 | 6:30PM
El Pueblo Se Levanta
Third World Newsreel, 50 mins, 1971
Q&A with Juan González, former Young Lord, journalist (Democracy Now, The Daily News) and author of Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America, and one of the film’s creators, Bev Grant.
@ the Museum of the City of New York
Thursday, 3/28 | 6:30PM
Films of Madeline Anderson
Madeline Anderson, 65 min, 1960-1970
Q&A with Madeline Anderson to follow program
@ the City College of New York
Thursday, 4/18 | 6:30PM
Columbia Revolt
Newsreel, 50 min, 1968
Q&A with Shawn Walker, photographer, and former Third World Newsreel member, to follow screening.
@ the City College of New York
Thursday, 6/6 | 6:30PM
Stormé: The Lady of the Jewel Box
Michelle Parkerson, 1987, 21 min
Happy Birthday, Marsha!
Reina Gossett, Sasha Wortzel, 2018, 14 min
Q&A with Michelle Parkerson, (director of Storme: The Lady of the Jewel Box), John T. Reddick, (Harlem historian, Harlem Pride board vice president), Rose Wood (performance artist and longtime friend of Stormé), and moderated by Jessica Green (Made in Harlem: Class of '68 programmer).
@ the Museum of the City of New York
Tuesday, 4/9 | 7:00PM
No Vietnamese Ever Called Me Nigger
David L. Weiss, 86 min, 1968
Introduction by film archivist John Klacsmann, who worked with the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture to restore this film. Post-film discussion with Dr. Robyn C. Spencer, history professor at Lehman College.
@ the Museum of the City of New York
Thursday, 5/2 | 6:30PM
Making the Boys
Crayton Robey, 2011, 97 min
Q&A with Making the Boys producer Douglas Tirola to follow screening.